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Pani: Обожаю игрушки типа Escape... Если еще есть любители, то предлагаю миленькую такую http://aztec.sakura.ne.jp/escapefromisland/indexenglish.html Я ее прошла без подсказок, слава богу никакого японского языка.

Ответов - 255, стр: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 All

Кыцик: Pani пишет: С каким ружьем? Нету там... Тоже мне, игра-а...

Pani: Великолепная игрушка под названием VISION!! Все искейперы в диком восторге! Очень красивые и оригинальные головоломки. И есть функция SAVE, что немаловажно. Потому что в один присест осилить не получится... http://neutralx0.net/home/esc_vision.html

Дааа уж: Полдня кыцику под хвост, но прошла. Супер-игрушка. Спасибо, наищедрейшая :)

Кыцик: Дааа уж пишет: Полдня кыцику под хвост Больно же!

Дааа уж: А по замыслу должно было быть приятно

Кыцик: Дааа уж пишет: А по замыслу должно было быть приятно "Благими намерениями вымощена дорога в Ад"

Pani: Помните, вам понравилась игрушка про забавного человечка Галуза, как он спасал свою подружку, но их снова разлучили и беднягу Галуза утащила птица... Теперь есть полная версия. Правда пройти придется сначала. Еще совет - записывайте где-нить названия пройденных уровней, чтобы в случае необходимости сразу загрузить последний пройденный (внизу есть функция load level). Я сама изрядно попотела на заключительной стадии... http://www.haluz2.net/ Приятного развлечения

Pani: Только что отыгралась. Игрушка хоть и японская, но достаточно легкая (хоть и заковыристая), чтобы не обращать внимания на их надписи. Очень красивая и познавательная - как правильно приготовить чай http://www.gotmail.jp/oolongtea/

Дааа уж: Спасибо, Пани. Схожу. Вот уж неохота заниматься дом. делами.) А предыдущую я прошла очень легко и быстро. О чем хотела... вернее, писала. Но шо то мои посты зависают где-то на промежуточной стадии загрузки.Потому и реже сюда заглядываю. Всех цилюю.

Pani: Золотце, вот вам еще игрушка. Я от нее совсем опупела и в полном затыке, может вы разберетесь. Видать у меня хронические проблемы с включением лампочек (в Галузе миллион раз наполнила эти чашки, пока она загорелась). А тут еще темень темень страшная, но нашла кучу всякого барахла, кой-что использовала, а чертовы лампы зажечь не могу Даже зная walkthrough walkthrough Click around the ladder; you’ll get a message stating it’s just “some dirt”. A nearly imperceptable item will appear. It’s a SCREWDRIVER. Grab it. Go up the ladder by means of clicking slightly off the picture screen (a hand will appear). Use the screwdriver on the lock. You will be taken to a new room. Check the wooden piece on the floor for a clue: the number 5, and then two horizontal slashes and a triangle. There is a cryptic note on the wall as well. Take a left twice. Open the small panel on the single door you see here and grab PURPLE GEM. The door, however, is locked. Take a right to face the long hallway.You can go up, or forward. Click forward once. You’ve progressed halfway down this hallway. Now you can click to the left or right, to go into one room on each side. Click right. You’ll notice a yellow star puzzle on the shelf. You can check it out, but you don’t have the pieces to solve it. Return. Now take a left. Here’s a room with a chair and large window. A wedge-shaped CERAMIC PIECE is lying in the corner. There is also a clock on the wall above it. Ignore it for now, head out. Now that you’re back in the hallway, go to the end. You’ll be in a room with a saw table. Pick up the CERAMIC PIECE on the table. Click on the bright piece of wood lying on the left side of the table for a clue: the number 3 and three equilateral triangles. There is also a small clickable box on the bottom shelf. For now, leave it alone. Go back. Hit the lower button on the screen like you’re wanting to retreat from where you came. That is, you’re backing up down the hallway to where you started. Hitting the down hand when you’re at the beginning of the hallway will take you to a staircase. A white switch is seen on the wall halfway up, you’ll notice something needs to be inserted there. Click down, as you just came from upstairs. A dark, creepy hallway. Go left. Click the piece of wood for another number clue: 4, and a wavy line. Grab the CERAMIC PIECE hanging on the arch. Go up. Get the RUBBER GLOVE on the counter. Go back. You can take a left and be taken to the main door. If you check it out, you’ll see the name Ruby drawn on the window. Something seems to be missing from the door panel, though. Return. Notice the cryptic symbols on the wall. Go back to the right. Now return to the dark hallway. Go down. A double-doors room. Notice the cryptic symbols above the door. Grab the CERAMIC PIECE under the table. Click the trashcan. There’s something in there under a corrosive-looking substance. Equip your rubber glove to retrieve it. A WRENCH. Take a left. You’re in a room with a four white light panel. Here’s where the symbols all over the place, and on the poster at the beginning, come into play. By the map, the symbols by the Ruby door are: 3, 1. And in the acid room, that symbol lets you in on what direction to read the symbol map for two separate codes: 231, 431, if taking the buttons from left to right, top row to bottom row. The light bulb will go on, flip the switch to activate all power. Grab the BROKEN MIRROR off the barrel to the right. Open the circuit box in the back for a BLUE GEM. Leave. Now go up through the double door you came from. Back to the dark hallway. Take a right. Here’s a yellowish, dimly-lit room with some kind of circle drawing on the floor. If you check the pillar, it’ll say some bricks are loose. Start clicking like crazy to rip em off. About halfway down the pillar, you’ll find a YELLOW GEM. Go forward into what looks like a locker room. Grab the POCKET WATCH on the bench. Return. Go back through the dim hallway, to the stairs, back to the main hall, and into the star puzzle room. Use your ceramic pieces to spell, from the top point, the name JOHNY. When finished, an arrow will appear in the center pointing out the letter H. Leave here. Now go into the opposite room, with the clock on the wall. Use the pocket watch as a guide to setting the clock. The time should be 2: 38. When you get it right, a GREEN GEM will appear. Take it. Return to the beginning room with the ladder and well to the right. Use your wrench on the back valve that you previously couldn’t budge. This will turn on the water. Now check the well. A great condition doll will appear, floating to the top. Get the DOLL. Now go back to the main hall. Head down to the room at the very end, where that box lay on the bottom shelf. Now that we’ve found all the number/symbol clues, look along the edge of the work table. It should be simple to read by now: 5334. Click on the box on the shelf below the work table and click the corresponding buttons. Inside you will find a RING OF KEYS. Leave. Back to the locked door (left at the beginning of the main hall). Use keys on door. Now you’re in a conference room. Check out the chalkboard. That star symbol again, with each point corresponding to a button on a vertical panel. Looks kinda like the main door panel. We know the arrow indicated H, so piece it together: from up to down, YJONH. Check out the calendar. Each month, from Feb. back to Oct., has a symbol. Starting from Oct.: sun, half moon with points to left, half moon with points to right, star, and full moon. Grab the KNIFE on the floor below calendar. Leave. Head back to staircase. Use the knife in the switch to reveal a hidden room under stairs. Grab the BOOK from the shelf. Read it and notice correlation between page colors, and dates of entry. Head back to main door. Press panel buttons in sync with the spelling of Johny’s name, as was illustrated on chalkboard. If you don’t know, it’s: 2,3,5,4,1. You will gain access to a reddish, hazy hall. Click on the stack of boxes on the floor to the left to reveal RED GEM. You cannot go any further. Return to the yellow pillar room. Now that you have all gems, you may place them on the symbols around the circle in accordance with the symbols given by the calendar, which are in accordance with the colors of the book pages, which, in turn, are in accordance with the dates as well. But there’s still something missing from the offering circle in the center. Place the doll in the offering spot. A huge flash of lightning will descend. Use your mirror to capture the spectral light. Now head towards the red mist hall. Use the mirror to dispel the haze. Go forward. And out- be a bastard and leave all your friends behind. __________________ Вот ссылка http://melting-mindz.com/abandoned.html

Дааа уж: Ап-с. Не стала играть в последнюю игрушку. Темная мрачная и какая-то бестолковая. Про чай очень понравилась. Но не доиграла, вроде уже все чашки-заварнички собрала и заклинило , время позднее было , оставила на потом. В чем же загвоздка? Такое впечатление что нужно что-то делать у стола, чай начинать заваривать?

Дааа уж: Пани, там карта на дверцах шкафа как-нибудь используется? А то я тупо застыла над книгой с чайной церемонией. Все остальное вроде выполнено, ничего болеее придумать не могу. Впрочем, может вы уже и не помните, времени-то сколько утекло.

Pani: Дааа уж пишет: Пани, там карта на дверцах шкафа как-нибудь используется? А то я тупо застыла над книгой с чайной церемонией. Все остальное вроде выполнено, ничего болеее придумать не могу. Впрочем, может вы уже и не помните, времени-то сколько утекло. Используется, используется. Вы там наверху шкафа пошерудили?

Дааа уж: Спасиб, посмотру.)

Pani: Что-то последнее время ничего особо выдающегося не вижу. Зато вспомнила великолепную старую игрушку - классику жанра - MOTAS. Она многоуровневая и, насколько я помню, с автоматическим Save. http://www.albartus.com/motas/

Фисташка: Пани, вот только что нашла "Меченосец" Сегодня видела на распродаже диск с игрой, решила почитать отзывы. Вот по восторженными отзывам иносранцев нашла флешку. Поиграем?

Фисташка: Ой, не ходите туда, Пани. Игрушка на 3 минуты .Не очень интересно.

Pani: Фисташка пишет: Ой, не ходите туда, Пани. Игрушка на 3 минуты .Не очень интересно. Да таких маленьких очень много. И все - япона мать...

Pani: Еще не играла, но на первый взгляд очень недурственная игрушка Concertalino, похоже российского производства. Музыкальная! (А у меня звука нет ) http://www.doodoo.ru/flashgames/musicroom_rus.htm

Pani: Pani пишет: ще не играла, но на первый взгляд очень недурственная игрушка Concertalino, похоже российского производства. Музыкальная! (А у меня звука нет ) http://www.doodoo.ru/flashgames/musicroom_rus.htm Почему-то редактирование куда-то исчезло... Ну да дело не в этом. Игрушка-то не из простых, похоже. Поэтому даю здесь walkthru, авось пригодится Walkthrough: Spoiler: Opening screen: Spoiler: find key in vase above piano, book with explanations about musical notation on bookshelves (4th book second row), pick up right hand book on 3rd row and shake it, paper falls out. Find adapter below piano (behind pedals), use it with plug so grammophone turns on. Select a record and play it, you can listen to others after first replacing the one you have in your inventory. Go left twice. Spoiler: Click on flowers, get card. Open closet, get card from shoes, notice clothes won't stay aside. Go left. Spoiler: Screwdriver under sofa. Card and sharpening stone on desk between papers. Use key on left closet, get scissors. Use scissors on pillow, get card. Use scissors on right bottom half of curtain, get rag. Cut flower. Open curtains, get card. Move quill from left to right inkpot, get left inkpot. Click parrot, move mirror 3 clicks to the right. Move right, turn off light. Move right, notice spot on floor. Move right. Spoiler: Notice bottom right corner of painting is lit. Use ink on it and note numbers. Move left twice, turn on light, move right. Spoiler: Use scissors on spot on floor, get card. Try scissors again on same spot, if nothing happens, first sharpen scissors on grey stone (move it about a lot!, you may need to repeat it.) Get piece of carpet. Open clock, use screwdriver on bottom, get card. Move right. Spoiler: Click piano, use numbers from painting as code (if only 3 numbers, add zero to the left) to open, get card. Now play the green record (the first time it is played it will play real music, if so remove and put it on again. Notice that you now hear scratches and six notes, repeated). Use the piano keys to figure out what those 6 notes are, and record them on the paper that originally fell out of the book from the 3rd row. If you have problems with the notations, check the other book again ! If you have recorded the six notes correctly, 5 questionmarks will appear: Spoiler: concertalino-pianonotes.jpg If you haven't done so by now, remove the green record before you'll get mad... Move left. Spoiler: Notice dusty picture, rub with carpet or rag. Have a sneeze. Check dates below picture and use your general knowledge or Google to find out which composer is depicted. Move left twice to parrot cage, dip carpet in water, return. Rub painting again with wet carpet. Again, do it long and/or repeat, until painting is clean. Use scissors on left bottom corner (if necessary, sharpen first) until corner flaps open. Enter name of composer, click picture. A safe appears, needing a 5 number code. Use your written piano notes to determine the number: each number equals the interval between notes. Spoiler: In the above example: A-D=5, D-E=2, E-G=3 etc. to get 52337 as code Click on wheel, take card, black board and spatula from safe. Move left twice. Spoiler: Use spatula on flowerpot, get key. Use key on right desk, get card and popcorn. Feed popcorn to parrot, get card and wooden bar. Use wooden bar to get bow from above window. Move right. Spoiler: Use bar on clothes, get piece of paper. Spoiler: Ab exterioribus ad interiora = from outside to inside Click on round item. To solve this puzzle you need to find an instrument name as the code: Spoiler: (thanks NetWorker ): Count the cellos. Let's say they're c=5. Count the saxes. Let's say they're s=2. Note that when you click on a letter, the wheel spins clockwise or counterclockwise depending on which side of the letter you clicked. Align the two wheels so that the trebleclefs are inside the red frame. Then click the outer wheel c=5 times in the same direction and the inner wheel s=2 times in the opposite direction. Write down the letter from the outer wheel, then the letter from the inner wheel. Repeat the process in the above paragraph until you get to a space. If the word you came up with doesn't make sense, start over and try the opposite directions then before. Note that (almost) all the names of the instruments are in Italian. Enter the code, move out of the screen and the closet opens. Enter closet. Spoiler: Turn on light at the top left corner. Pick up sack from trumpet at the right. Open sack with scissors. Use scissors on drum, get card: you should now have 12 cards. Select a violin and move bow over it. Awful sound! Use rosin on bow and try again. If necessary repeat. That's better, but what is that noise when you start playing? The parrot disagrees with your violin abilities! Move out of the closet, throw the rag over the parrot cage and return. Try playing again. Sounds OK? Or maybe try another violin? Only one of the five will give really nice music! (note: replace each violin before picking up another). When you have played on the correct violin, you'll hear a crash. Go back to piano room. Spoiler: Pick up key from fallen pot. Now put the black board on the music stand of the piano and put all 12 cards on it. Solve the puzzle Spoiler: Name: endnotes.jpg Views: 466 Size: 12.5 KB and play that sequence on the piano. Open lid of the piano, get second key. Move left twice. Spoiler: Put both keys in door, if it doesn't open automatically, go back to closet and play on 'nice' violin again

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